Existence-ok Industries proposes moving-circuses that will bring all the talents of Nigerian Magicians and Gymnasts together in show-business for all to see the talents and be amused by our talents in this filled of entertainment: Nigeria has no circus activity but roadside entertainment of such around markets, parks etc. exists. Ref. 25th April, 2005.
Organization: Involvement of the Federal Government in this prolongs our culture of artists of this nature, magicians and gymnasts; or to the culture will die off when ignored by sustainable cash. The GSM services can support this to use with their jingle and gain financially from this.
In the United Kingdom of Great Britain, the Queen is prolonging the artists by giving them warrantee when she tests them; they design what she wants and if good they get their warrantee with financial support, they are then registered as On Her Majesty Service.
Advert: All the national media houses should announce the circus, as well as the GSM services in the country and international media houses.
Artists: The Artists will register for a fee
individually (by sponsorship or personally) nation wide of
Show: The show will be done first in the International Conference Centre in Abuja; when a crowd is gathered and awareness exists, the show would be moved to Abuja National Stadium; and subsequently all the stadia in the country, as a unifying factor of the country. This may be the new unifying tool like football is.
Comments: Please, Mr. President let us have a Circus. Existence-ok can run this perfectly since, we have fore knowledge in entertainment, hotel services and information technology. Or you may bring others to run it but please allow us to consult it so we can save the idea. Moving the Circus round major cities of the world will drag in foreign currency and investors.
May I suggest that Nigeria can now be called the Federal Republic Empire of Nigeria, hence we are a nation of many kingdoms, and the largest multiethnic state in the world, the Name would be befitting to our great country in re-branding Nigeria. The British etc. call Nigeria an Empire. We can use this to give us a new image individually and internationally.
Yours faithfully,
Prince. Oko Offoboche Chief Executive Existence-ok
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