Online Universities International Department of Website Software
Online Universities Faculty of Information Science

We also offer free training: job/business for knowledge/skill.

Existence University

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Purpose of the Omniversity: is to educate those who are interested in upgrading their mind and experience in skills.

To be an Existence Wizard.

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University of Experience  University of Materialism
Faculty of Computer Engineering  Faculty of Science  Faculty of Matter  Faculty of Reason
College of Computer Studies  College of Writing  College of Existence  College of the Mind
Computer Systems Academy  Writing Academy  Matter & Ethereal Academy  Soul Academy
       Spirit Academy
Network Technology Academy  Application Academy  Soul & Spirit Academy  Angel Academy
       Divine Academy

The Academic System of the child is from the first class of the child; all schools are interwoven allowing the senior schools to monitor the child and thereby stop manipulation of results by any body or bodies, and general exams are monitored by all schools and parents.


Like Basic School in Nigeria where Primary is interwoven with Junior Secondary, Senior Secondary should be interwoven with University and a new name given to it; that is what we are.

College of Information Communications Technology Architecture  College of Invention  College of Divining
Website Designing Academy  Production Academy  Angels & Churches Academy
Information Management Systems  Academy  Manufacturing Academy  Divine & Divinity Academy
Omniversity is the union of University of Experience and University of Materialism, which is websoftware; focus of mind in the computer, in the system of things, without loosing it.
Faculty of Green Engineering
College of Biofuel College of Thermal-electricity College of Cryogenics
Biodiesel Academy Magma electric Academy Ice electric Academy
Biogas Academy Solar electric Academy Wind electric Academy
Biopetrol Academy etc. etc.
Bioelectrolyte Academy Sponsors: The Regional Centre for Bioenterprise Development

Web Designing
  • Web Page Editors [WD101 for TT1] [WD202 for TT2]
  • Browsers [WD104 for TT1] [WD201 for TT2]
  • Web Servers [WD105 for TT1] [WD203 for TT2] [WD402 for TT1]
  • Mark-up Languages etc. [WD103 & WD401 for TT1][WD 404 for TT2]
  • Web Forms with ASP etc. [WD205 for TT2] [WD301 for TT1]
  • ftp [WD303 for TT1&2]
  • E-mail [WD307 for TT1&2]
Time Table 1 (TT1) Semester1
Mon. WD101 / WD104
Tue. WD101 / WD105 / WD307
Wed. WD103 / WD401
Thu. WD101 / WD402
Fri. WD301 / WD303
Time Table 2 (TT2) Semester2
Mon. WD202 / WD201
Tue. WD202 / WD203
Wed. WD205 / WD404
Thu. WD202 / WD303
Fri. WD307


Total Training Hours

Course Code Hours
101, 105, 202, 404 -- 9
103, 104, 203, 205, 301 -- 3
201, 303, 307, 401, 402 -- 6



We teach you the internet behaviour.
Training is via E-mail and Chat-room. All Students get an email for lectures and notes.

Send Email

Register here. See Certificate.




The Mind in Existence


See Biofuel


See Inventions

   Advert Designers  
  1. Adverts/ FOREX
  2. Web Designing
  3. Software
  4. Information Manager
  5. Inventor

Computer Systems
  • Word Processing [WP101 for TT1] [WP202 for TT2]

  • Spreadsheet [SS101 for TT1] [SS202 for TT2]

  • Database [DB101 for TT1] [DB202 for TT2]

  • Computer [CP103 for TT1] [CP302 for TT2]

  • Printers [PT205 for TT2]

  • CAD [CA307 for TT1&2]

  • Network [IT307 for TT1&2]

Time Table 1 (TT1) Semester1
Mon. WP101
Tue. WP101
Wed. WP101
Thu. DB101
Fri. CP103/PT205
Time Table 2 (TT2) Semester2
Mon. WP202
Tue. SS101
Wed. SS202
Thu. DB202/IT307
Fri. CA307/302
  • Configuration [CF101 for TT1] [CF202 for TT2] [CF405 for TT1]

  • Gadgets [GD101 for GD202 for TT1]

  • Networking [GD104 for TT1] [GD201 for TT2]

  • Servicing [GD103 & GD403 for  TT1]

  • Software [SW205 & 405 for TT2]

  • Internet [IN307 for TT1&2]

  • Hosting [GD306 & GD408 for TT1&2]

Network Technology
Time Table 1 (TT1) Semester1
Mon. CF101
Tue. CF101/405
Wed. GD101
Thu. GD202/403
Fri. GD104/103
Time Table 2 (TT2) Semester2
Mon. SW205/CF202
Tue. IN307/SW405
Wed. GD201
Thu. GD307
Fri. GD306/408
Information Management Systems
  • Programming [PG301 & PG406 for TT1] [PG202 & PG501 for TT2]

  • Advert [IS101 & IS406 for TT1] [IS202 & IS503 for TT2]

  • Networking [GD104 for TT1] [GD201 for TT2]

  • Hosting [GD415 for TT1] [GD307 forTT2]

  • Info Design [IS205, 303 & 404 for TT2]

  • Info Management [IS307 & 409 for TT2]

  • Web Design [WD423 for TT1] [WD309 for TT2]

Time Table 1 (TT1) Semester1
Mon. PG301/406
Tue. PG301/406
Wed. IS101/406
Thu. GD104/WD403
Fri. GD104/415/WD423
Time Table 2 (TT2) Semester2
Mon. GD201/IS303
Tue. PG202/501
Wed. IS202/503/409
Thu. IS205/IS307/404
Fri. GD307/WD309


Total Training Hours

Course Code Hours
101, 202 -- 9
103, 205, 302 -- 3
307 -- 6



We teach you the internet behaviour.
Training is via E-mail and Chat-room. All Students get an email for lectures and notes.

Send Email

Register here. See Certificate.


Total Training Hours

Course Code Hours
101, 202, 405 -- 9
103, 104, 205, 306, 408 -- 3
201, 307, 402, 403 -- 6



We teach you the internet behaviour.
Training is via E-mail and Chat-room. All Students get an email for lectures and notes.

Send Email

Register here. See Certificate.


Total Training Hours

Course Code Hours
101, 202, 301, 406, 423, 501 -- 9
104, 201, 205, 403, 415, 503 -- 3
303, 307, 309, 404, 409, 501 -- 6



We teach you the internet behaviour.
Training is via E-mail and Chat-room. All Students get an email for lectures and notes.

Send Email

Register here. See Certificate.

e.g. on Writing a paper

1)      Introduction (aims/ objectives)
2)      Executive summary
3)      Review
                 i.   Existing reports
                ii.   Laws etc.
               iii.   Observations
              iiii.   Reviews
4)      Problems
5)      Findings
6)      Recommendations
7)      Conclusions

Selling a Product or Service

Website Objective:

Developing or Designing a Website

40 Questions and Questionnaire with 30 questions are to be filled by you so we can know what you want.  

Customer Requirements:

Your answers will be reviewed in your presence

We need the details you want the public to know about your company

Things they ask you for; always questions they can easily find answers on your web

The financial benefits of a website are that your customers can always find out what they want on the internet or through GSM

Key Website Benefits:

Your website name and presence world wide

Your products and services world wide

Viewed via GSM with internet

Viewed on the internet through computer

Send the website domain name to the customer for the details of what they want

Next Website Steps:

Regular Updating of pages

Daily or more frequently, change information on the home page

Get all your domain name prefix; .com, .biz, .net etc.

Register the company fully; �, �, �

Other College Syllabuses will be sent on request via email.


College of Invention

These depend on the field of engineering or science you studied or the Scientist you bring in for the task. The skilled manpower you bring in for the task make the application of the invention you have. From there, the production of that Idea and the continuous manufacturing of the product makes your invention a reality. College of Invention embraces all the known fields of university academics and Extends them into Experience. Your Curriculum Vitae or Resume! We leave the Basic University Training to the other universities but, handle the experience that extends your professional way of living, giving you Jobs. We give you an Order on top of your degree.

Inventor: Order of Invention on Earth!

College of Existence Defines College of the mind:-
The Understanding or Awareness of the being in the College of Existence defines what Academy of the Mind the being belongs to.

    The Chancellor runs the Omniversity while, the Vice Chancellors run the Universities.

The President in-charge of Administration issues Certificates and the Provost gives diplomas for Practical Experience.

Being a Wizard is the Mastering and Teaching of Experience and Materialism.

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