The Mind Content Intro

Edited: 06/07/2016 Not in figures: follow the narrow path via the light of the flaming sword to the fertile ground of truth and knowledge; balance of both.

This eBook has nothing against religious bodies. It is not a sect, nor is it a religion. It is Truth!

Unfortunately, speaking the truth that should set you free makes people turn against you and frustrate you.

It is not Do as I say or Do as I do but, it is Do what is Right.

My name is not your name; So you can't be me. We may be equal in form, but my name can not be your name, everybody has a unique name, that is existence. That is why you can not be equal to God. The lie of equality or do as I do or say is Mankind's gift to evil. Equality is Rights. It's a pity for those who think nothing is impossible because, they equate themselves with God the Father; '...take this cup away from me...'; only through God is everything possible.

The greatest gift to give any one is be ready.
You need a place to stand & move things or reason, so it is with the brains concentration to use intellect etc.
No man should use the name of God as an excuse to use people to do harm or force people to do a thing or believe in their choice, God is the Highest Being and Mankind is the lowest being (top specie on earth) in Existence; God is for all if you can reach out to him, God handles his own in any one who lets him by believing he is there - He fights His battles.

You will never understand Metaphysics without understanding all religions.

Who Are You?

What Are You Doing Here?

Why Did Your Spirit Come Into Being?

Knowing Who You Are,


What You Came To Do

Would Allow You Use

Your Full Potentials.

Know Why We Exist and What Existence Is


I am God trained and human writing guided.

The Sin: diverting a being off course; why you came, who you are.

African Philosophy.
Communication with aliens is via telepathy, the universal language; the UN should adopt this.
Before there was metaphysics or entangled relative quantum mechanics physic there was Genesis 1 & 2; as bible explains that male & female of same being or spirit name affect each other as exact half as right & left hand to each other that what either of same being of male or female do must affect each other.
Leadership is the global problem, especially in Africa that is the origin of people; religion is shaped by leaders: Constantinople shaped Christianity into the first accepted church or method of worship under Christ as Catholic. Leadership should be by those with the fear of God, that is  those who know God, so God will guide them.
True Sabbath is Saturday, Sunday is worship day because of Easter; discard persecution of Christians as origin.
Image & likeness are 2 different things: you�re born as an image & should grow into a likeness of God; you�re born learning how to use your body to interact & provide, your soul kicks-in with your emotions following your endocrine activity, then original quest that made you want to know drives you to want, your spirit is kicking-in; most go astray here. If you go to life you will be lead to everything, not reverse.
The tree or branches of the brain are cultivated at the same time, where conscience concentrates is the tree of your choosing. Activities of male & female mind have to be experienced. When both activities of the mind of male & female cleave together, the godhead of Us is full; Gen. 1 & 2. Mark8:36, Luke17:33 & 21:19 answers Gen. 2:24. Garments of skin are in Genesis 3, clarified by Daniel�s vision from Daniel 7 etc.
The Ten Commandments means do not steal; everything done against is stealing. The exact opposite is Love; love your neighbour as yourself.
Grecia: Caucasus seed; alien/wanderer/explorer  (peaked as Ph.D & hon or titles) began when Niger river joint Nile; Isaiah18 clarifies Nile.
Adam is not the first man, but he is the first man to know himself. Daniel 7:2-4 talks of four people.
These paths are decided by Watch & Pray, Matt. 26:41, Mark 14:38; skin or body is battle ground & soul is tool.

Genesis 3:24 is the answer to knowing your name; you have to be meek in earnest yearning for your meaning here for God and that way will open to you, in that way will you know your being. Everyone looks for the way outside the brain. Yet the way is in the brain: the back brain a child uses to blend into this world is the one, starting from the east like the sun. This is the way to wisdom, true-adulthood & prophet-ship but, not in figures.

This is the enigma of light�s quintessence that if left open will not allow those unable to comprehend to discern their path of understanding gently, for the volume of information will be too great for their assimilation or absorption, thereby defeating the very cause or meaning of creation of light & darkness and eliminating hell if error has to be for ever.

Knock:- is in Matt.7:7, Luke 11:9 & 13:25 & Rev.3:20 answering Gen.3:24. Christ is word or the 1 who named your being. Your body with given-name can not be alive unless by your spirit & soul; it is name or purpose of your being or you, that keeps your body alive. Your being�s name is what your being does & that can only be known when way is open. Once way opens you will find Gen.1 as Spirit & Gen.2 as Soul.


Curse is on all after teen. But to get out of curse is only by individual experience of path in seeking why you�re here. Most important thing for an individual�s to do what you�re for & then you�ll be living for God. Many people think they�re living for God but they don�t know promise they made to God to come here. You may do everything good but, you�re living a lie without living for God; that�s keeping promise.


The place between sleep and waking-up, if you can have that permanently, you have it. Don�t force it, let it. That is consciousness and subconsciousness as 1. These are all 3 brains of/or spirit, soul & body as 1. Gen.2: Man has 11 firmaments or levels and woman has 1 firmament. Gen.1: Both male and female are equally shared. Naked brain was front brain, but now it�s groomed from birth so, by then they balance.


Image & likeness are 2 different things: you�re born as an image & should grow into a likeness of God; you�re born learning how to use your body to interact & provide, your soul kicks-in with your emotions following your endocrine activity, then original quest that made you want to know drives you to want, your spirit is kicking-in; most go astray here. If you go to life you will be lead to everything, not reverse.


The tree or branches of the brain, have brains cultivated at the same time, where conscience concentrates is the tree of your choosing. Activities of male & female mind have to be experienced. When both activities of the mind of male & female cleave together, the godhead of Us is full. Gen.1,2&3. This path�s decided by Watch & Pray, skin or body is battle ground & soul is tool; Matt.26:41, Mark14:38.

After these activities of the mind, that�s born again (John 3:3-8 & 1Peter 1:23), leaders should allow and work with societies to create enabling environments for innovations to materialize into wealth. A nation without a blast-furnace can�t be a global giant industry.

Any woman who doesn't know her being's name, not her body�s or given name, should blame it on her true-man. It is a man's job to tend to the garden of the brain's 12 realms or ribs and name the territories that belongs to him. It's a shame & damnation to men who covet another's for their keep.

People have been waiting for the Anti-Christ when his seeds have been ruling the globe properly since Nero; that brought in colonialism etc. using Constantine. The Mark of Cain are the traits that make them vary from others. The punishment of Cain that 'it shall not yield ... it's strength' made them colonize and use hands that yield full-strength to grow, since their hands are bloody and their root born of adultery: the Devil and Eve.
Antichrist comes out in super power nations; the last 1 of Persian decent is of USA.
Mankind's freedom is by removing Devil's tie to use intellect in mankind before puberty, that causes had I known in influencing your will.

The rebuilding of the Temple is the Dome of the Rock; there didn't know the word Mosque then.
Strange that the orchestrators� systems changes are from temples and rebirths of new systems are outside it.

If you have a thing to do and someone opts to go and do it, then you give the thing to the person to go and do - on getting there the person changes and starts doing a different thing following the body instead of the spirit that brought him and bears the message. What do you do? That is why people go to hell.

Snooping is a sin when it does not have anything to do with you.

Migration comes because of the conditions of a human's survival especially when it's being rubbed by rulers.
Only humans need laws to regulate them, those in spirit don't need laws to regulate them because the spirit knows position and regulation; the being with spirit awake is not body and soul like an animal but spirit, the peak in-charge.

This is the highest knowledge ever written on earth. If you take-off it without the author's name you loose ten times of you., using the authors name you gain ten times. This is not racist but, the truth - the truth unifies all odds. Cursed is the person who sells this work, it is free for every one to read.

In this path few succeed in sticking to good, most choose to follow their material needs or earthly wealth first or permanently and fall into evil. The right path is to thrive to remain with good no matter the pull or attraction to materialism. Sticking to good belongs to those who trust God. You can not trust God without believing in Him. Having confidence in Him. Remembering to be with God when your in trouble is when you have faith, most people forget to keep Him in mind when they have a problem and recall later that they forgot.

In the Palm Harvest Season, from Amoja Olu Compound around 1940 in March Eke Market Day the eldest man in Onicha - now Eke Local Government Area, in Ebonyi State, Nigeria - translated beyond. Like Enoch and Elijah.
Purpose of every being on earth is to establish his & her link name here, to have dominion over their male & female word that they are.
Problem is System that doesn't allow beings identify & do what they came for leading them to & populating hell meant for Devil & devils.
Man is stronger physically & spiritually, but woman is stronger emotionally; women defeat emotions just as you cry it out to free all.

Every body tries to control which is natural: if they knew they'll find out what they are to control, that is their name and world; this is good. But, not to control another persons world which is the problem they are doing, that person will defend his/her world; this is evil.

The Magnetic altering points are earth's warp or warm-hole to other worlds.

How do you stop a black hole?

It is a portal between visual energy and unvisual energy; soul. Only spirit force can solve it.

How do you destroy any viral attack in your body? The spirit is the cure. Immunisation is to weaken viruses for weak spirits who haven't or can't claim their body. The Spirit created matter; the soul came out of matter. Any body in soul can not destroy the closest creature to matter, but any body in spirit is of substance that is superior to matter.

Is evil a good thing? Discuss, Choice.

When it comes to religion, why do people believe that the brains of mankind are stagnant?

Obama's Victory as President of USA after 232yrs removes the curse on Ramses II's Africa after 3232yrs.

Yellow hair Ramses got power from Black hair. The Nubians had power when it was lost, they had to get it back. 

400yrs of Israel's bondage became worse 40yrs to the end or 3272yrs ago, the time of yellow hair, shaved off.

Last Pharaoh falls from office, February 20th, 2011. Before Ramses to just after Hosni Mubarak have been autocratic heads. Egypt's first true democratically elected leader after over 5,000 years of Egyptian politics announced June 24th, 2012.  Muslim Brotherhood, first time ruling, that won election caused death of Anwar al-Sadat because of Israeli peace.
Kennedy's were slain because they uplifted the common and equated the races; Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jeferson.
Michael Jackson and other black stars made awareness of equation by what they gave and caused freedom thoughts.

Sanctions the way it is done is wickedness; sanctions should be on the person in question & not the populace.

Africa's problem is an Ideology problem, Arabs problem is a Religious problem; the solution is knowing their spirit name, then they'll know God and find out Ideology or Religion is Human's control of what is God's. Playing God. Israel's problem is not accepting Christianity, the purpose of their formation. So people who accept it can not be with them, yet those are the ones that want them to exist; the ones that don't want them to exist, they embrace. Stubborn.

You should know your name, before you accept money. To know your name: know God then, you will know your name.

Africa reflective being the oldest culture has been burnt & changed by the sun; unique hair from others, dark skin that Indian's the second old culture are now having, conscience that the Chinese third old culture to the oldest experienced.

Anything in a fridge (snow) stays same, white skins are found on animals that have fur or feathers covering them; things in conditions around the temperature of the body are altered by the heat, an ape's face is black and skin white.  

Arabs and Israel's problem is Solomon; he died an idle worshiper. Israel's problem is rejecting the position said of Christ.
Zion is Jerusalem hill, Zionism is Jewish state based on Judaism. Palestine is not Judaic, but is more Islamic. Both are descendants off Abraham/Ibrahim.

The way it is in the traditional setting in Africa is the solution to women having their say; elder men and women have their own houses and each are represented at every level, king & queen or president & first lady to the bottom.

Parents come to prepare the way for their children as they are doing their purpose.

The Exploring nature of the uncolored is the curse of wandering; to document everything. The youngest's task.

Is evil a good thing?

Evil is suppose to bring you out of yourself; by trying to destroy you, you fight to go to good.

The problem is that evil gives professor status tests and exams to  kindergartens.
Evil is the Devil and Death: people see death (sickness associated) as part of human nature; death is not for mankind.
People could never win evil because they only saw 1 side (after Christ defeated the lie) they didn't fight evil knowing they are 2 sides, both work together one distracting and the other destroying, that is their hold on humans. All they did was cast them out for them to go and bring more to fight those who drove them out. Lie brought in death, Genesis 3.
Why did the Devil Choose everything to use instead of life?
What is mans problem with death? Why do they fear him more than anything?

Choice was given to mankind the first time, they threw it away to Satan; heralding death and lie. Now choice is for God who places Christ to replace lie and the Counselor to replace death; Life and Everything, Mankind was suppose to choose life then everything will be theirs. Every male has its female, the alteration of taking another's is hell.

The Brain of man is like a flower, the anther and stigma (are the intuition and intellect) When the flower is ready for pollination the scent and nectar it produces, attracts insects that pollinates it; when the brain of man is ready for intrusion by the spirit, the Angels with their elemental parts intrude into it.

Man�s Fault is that he tries to equate himself. Because of his front brain and mid brain which rules him, he thinks he is God; he  believes that God the Father should reach him, when he should search for Him by breaking the borders and perceive. Only then would God stretch out to him. If the intuition (the back brain) is not above the Intellect, man is not perfect; the front and mid brain would not allow him search for himself.

  • Why do people believe that the brains of mankind are stagnant?

  • Is it because of the principles of Constantinople of the Roman Church?

  • Or is it because of using a system to control?

  • Or 'Auguste Comte�s positive philosophy, or positivism, abandoned speculation about the nature of reality in favor of scientific investigation. According to Comte, knowledge of all subjects, from astronomy to sociology, should come from the correlation of evidence gathered by investigation and observation. This materialistic approach helped to lay the foundations for modern sociology, which Comte first called social physics.'

    From: Microsoft � Encarta � 2009. � 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

  • Or using the book to control?

  • The book should guide you to God and not the reverse.

  • Metaphysics is not speculation, as those who have not opened themselves to enlightenment think, positivism can not exist properly without enlightenment; Astrophysicists, Hackers etc. can not succeed without metaphysics which has the universal language of communication with other species in the universe. Every one with enlightenment or their hearth open see the same thing but see it to their capacity of being.

Qur' an (Koran) Chapter 3:54-57 is on Jesus.

People should read Leviticus 18 & 20: when it comes to gay & marriage. Ask themselves what book they read, if they can procreate as the dictionary describes marriage; procreation is not buying/adopting another's genes, that after a while incest occurs, its bad e.g. to kids on fornication that's is sin (1 Corinthians 6:18 & Leviticus 19:29). And the impersonation of another person. This is Abomination of Desolation.

Giving Fish is giving Bread; the Hook is Stone. It is wise to give bread or fish, while teaching one to use the stone to make bread or hook to fish. Animals do this. Most people give the Hook or Stone; Christ said Bread, miracle.
Giving is different from paying; paying is giving the exact amount necessary, giving is letting more than required.

Corruption, the problem, What is it? It is Stealing. Your name is the answer & Solution!
Your Name Makes you an Elite. Those who don't know their names are mortals; subject to death.

Man is not a memory box. Mankind's memory was given to him to use it to know himself, his name. It is through your name you know your life with God, your purpose, your being, what keeps you alive, that spirit or higher...
Spirits are suppose to know good, learning good, until they get to the level of prime, then they can use the good to face bad when they are angels. What is good? It is your path to God, your Identity in what you do, that is in God.

Wanderer; Explorer: the marks of Cain are the characteristics that were placed in him that are seen in his descendants, only his progeny are different from other humans in features; children of adultery. Others are pigmented.

Devil's real lie is using his will in u like yours so u think u are the 1 when in reality he is, when u fall it's had I known; Mat26:39.
Devil can't use back brain (of life) but he dominates the front brain if you listen to him. You know you from back brain. Gen3:21-24

Why did the Devil Choose everything to use instead of life?

Because, Everything was free & Life was stuck to God the Father.

Why was Everything free?

What is mans problem with death? Why do they fear him more than anything?

Because, feeling or knowing they are of error and having not removed the sins of their ancestors from themselves, they are afraid of the senior ranked angel that takes them out of this world to where their conscience's fate carries them to. The solution is going inwards to the origin of the sin to remove your sins till you get to that sin and pass it, then you'll be free from the trap of death and must agree to leave when your time to leave comes, that is when you've finished doing what you came to do; instead of dieing, you translate. What you do is your name. Christ Jesus' spirit name is the Word. What is yours?

The name your parents etc. gave you is not your inner name. What keeps you alive has a name, not your body's name. It's because of that you're here and not the way the world tells you to go, study or think etc. The purpose of all you do here, study and think is for your purpose which is your name.  People are stuck to their property, instead of being stuck to their spirit that keeps them alive for what the spirit came into the world to do and learn. The only thing you take-out is what you learn after doing, that is what your conscience carries.

The World's Leadership is between two cults, one good and the other evil. People looking for such control in their president will never find it in them because the presidents are members. The Christians way is to forgive them.

True forgiveness is given to a changed person from that sin, with absolute or deep spiritual repentance; not encouraging sin by lip forgiveness that will still be done.
Who ever does not believe this world system of things will come to an end does not believe in God, and calls Christ a liar. Everything comes to an end, in this world because of the rule of death; whose time is almost up.
The Devil uses those who don't know their name, the rest of the world; guilt feeling. Those who know their name do their name, so they work for God and themselves aright doing what they came for; no guilt feeling.
Those who know their names who refuse to do their name, choose the way of the Devil and have the greater hell.
The lie brought in death that brought in evil: The Devil brought in Death and Cain killing Abel brought in evil.

Why was Everything free?

Because it was the Creative Factor.


How do you read and absorb or assimilate instantly?

Feel into your brain and sense the walls in your brain, look through each one after the other without forcing it, it will clear. Concentration is when you can look through the front wall and the back wall; headaches disappear for ever especially when you free the tension in your neck. This will give you the ability to discern.

Gross & Deep Calculations on Solutions to a problem can cause hair loss, because of focus on an area of the brain.
God sent me here to free the mind from the Devil, so the spirit can act on the soul to free mankind.
Devil will be back in 1,000 years time to ask for name change he failed to realize he should have asked for here.

Erase fear by going into it until it fades, another pops up, go in till its off until there's no fear coming after you, then look for fear u feared to find it negligible.


Don't force burning feeing of Spirit awakening @ pit of stomach that pours cool into back brain that image is seen in front brain but allow it by focusing on it.


Living in spirit isn't different from how you've been living, it's where you're mind's attention is focused, which is supposed to b to back-brain(Gen3:24) then you're one.


Until you're in spirit you'll not know how Devil (prince of this world;John12:31,14:30,16:11) moves the body as you'll think you're the one, until had I known. Live for God.

Not that you're not for God by what you say to others. But it's not living for God, truly living for God is doing what you promised God when you were in heaven & not living for body.

By the time you're living for God in spirit as you promised Him you'll be living for yourself, soul & body. That's mystery of living for spirit, which is for all & you; as I do.

Those who lie about my person to mess me up or to look smarter shall be cursed to eternal damnation. Because, yourself that keeps you alive will fight you and being greater will win by destroying the betraying body or soul.
Daniel 12 talks of period; it is time or hour that no one knows. Daniel looked @ Will to know. That was why they could wait for Jesus, or they could wait to harm me & you.
Defeat Devil by going around: know what was before & after him; Evil was created when Will formed matter then image (lie) then death. Before evil is law, before law is being.
Devil only copies; mimicking Us. Difference is he sets all round him as dust (soul of feelings) to eat. All he does is turn image (soul) to his likeness as if God.
Defeat Devil inside & outside from within & outside you. Knowing most people are bodies not controlled by their spirit, but ruled by Devil; Joh12:31; 14:30; 16:11.
Everything in sin was done in soul, before soul was driven into body (Gen2-3) The Spirit is Gen1. Teenage is emotion-age or soul-age. Before soul is child. Human cycle.
Counselor owns the Mind, the body can not exist without the mind, the mind is everything in soul till body, every being have their meaning or name in the mind.
Confusion in writing Gen 1 & 2: Waters=Current/water (fresh/salt), mist=mind, firmament=rib, image=replica/imagination, likeness=god, garden=brain, river=blood type.
Man was not supposed to start from the mid-brain or he will fall into the intellect of front & mid brain. Man was supposed to start with back, then front, before mid.
Front-brain (Gen 2:5, 6, 7, 9, 15, 19) is for body, mid-brain (Gen 2:9) is for soul or emotions & pineal gland or life, back-brain (Gen 2:8) is for spirit. You learn to move from back.
Limbic System: Pituitary gland @ bottom front of mid-brain (growth[good] & sexual[bad] hormone) and Pineal gland @ top back of mid-brain (neural & circadian hormone).
Genesis 1, 2 & 3 are cycles in Human Brain & Being; God walks in the garden or brain, as Devil walks in the intellect (front & mid brain); activity you listen to is result.
Good to understand imaginations & realities of brain; imagination or illusion actually prepares the brain for intuition. But, it's image that was taken by Devil.
Truth is calm & there, rises when u focus on it but lessen when dumped; lie obsess or infatuate, fades when ditched, then triggers recollection for you to ponder it.
Pituitary triggers as master endocrine to stir hormones in imagination of fear & lust; Pineal body circadian rhythm releases endocrine of melatonin @ sleep dream.
Knowing what's inside brain is same as what is outside brain; i.e. why it is called garden, for imagination of a child should mature into intuition then miracle.
What's outside brain is connected to what's inside brain is linked with stem or centre of brain where brain grows from to centre of Universe; i.e. how things run.
Spirit is in centre of stomach & connects to centre of universe, thereby ubiquitous; a presence you feel everywhere for soul becomes tool & evil fears you & obeys you.
It's thru the centre that the big-bang or origin of matter occurred via spirit; & is thru matter that soul occurred. Cycle of human being from image to likeness.

Both trees (glands) differences: pituitary's hormones alone causes obsession & infatuation; pineal's hormones causes true love & genuine erotic love with both glands.


Sin is when pituitary takes over @ teenage to spark lust for sexuality, instead of pineal's want or desire for procreation; if pineal is first to secrete it's true.

Everything is male & female but it's a man's job to intuit for pair & groom her (Gen2:15,19&20). Only your spirit & God act on pineal (Gen3:24), no other being can.
Pineal doesn't release sex hormone until same spirit of male & female meet, unlike pituitary release for any body & soul feeling. Pineal must run pituitary not opposite.
Only spirit knows, regulates & reorganises body & soul from lust of Devil.
What really is Wisdom? Ability of the spirit to discern and make decisions, balancing the soul through the body's senses.
Choice: To be wise is to be able to make right decisions (that is of God) by yourself and not to let others decide for you which is folly.
Order of angels in descending order:

seraphim, cherubim, thrones, dominations, virtues, powers, principalities, archangels, and angels.

Microsoft � Encarta � 2009. � 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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The Holy Spirit�said in the West to proceed from the Father and the Son, in the East to proceed from the Father alone (see Filioque)�is the immanent presence and activity of God in the creation, which he strives to bring to perfection.

Microsoft � Encarta � 2009. � 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Metaphysicians @ Ph.D open churches etc., Metaphysicians below Ph.D serve in various capacities in faiths. The body of Christ is not to be divided, so all should unite.
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“The Mind in Existence” by Pr./ Prof. Oko Offoboche