Volume 1 |
Existence-ok Industries
Website Development Manual
Website� Guide
Website development manual
Administrative Website Guide
� Existence-ok Industries
1 Sakete Close, off
Phone 234.(0)9.273.1713 � Fax 234.(0)9.413.3116
Mobile 234.(0)805.732.6941
Introduction������������������������������������������������������� i
Chapter 1
Using your Website Control Panel���������������� 1
About the �Control� Panel������������������������������ 1
Editing your Website��������������������������������������� 2
Going through your site���������������������������������� 2
How To prepare a web page for upload������ 3
How To upload via ftp������������������������������������� 3
How To Change your site������������������������������� 3
How To Save Time on the Internet��������������� 4
How To Make an Instant change����������������� 4
More Website Tips������������������������������������������� 4
Existence-ok� |
Several Keys to your Website Professional Manual
Your links on your website and your personal control.
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icon key 1 Control Panel ! Editing your website : Going through your site & Website review |
o view your website, go to the internet and type the website address given to you by your webmaster. This website address is your address suggested in the proposal and bill of quantities; accepted by you.
The control panel is where you see data sent to you from your website form and where you can create emails for others in your company etc.. You can edit the database or select a shopping-cart or add you website to search engines and much more, the details of the kind of hosting you have will be sent to you via email. Please see your email with SUBJECT: Host Control Panel, after receiving this manual.�
Your control panel has its own website link. This link has
been sent to your email address; this internet address uses a password and a
user name. All of these are in the email sent to you. Please attach the email
to the manual as you will find the email important when ever you have to use
the services of the control panel and website.
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�Control� Panel is where your website is also hosted. This control panel is on
your host site, your alteration of this service is delicate, and you should
follow what your host�s configuration is set to. Any alteration of this should
be on only those files you uploaded into the site.
Any alteration and disorganization of the main files or
folders that are not replaced as they are will require reconfiguration by the
host. |
Using the Website the website is an advertisement and detailed information
on requirements and needs of your customers etc.
You can edit your website in html or with a webpage
editor. The webpage editor used to design your site is also included in the
email sent to you. Only a professional webmaster should edit the site because
the data relayed on the international network if badly placed will be scrambled
and will not display properly.
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with html is online and is on the control panel�s file manager.
Using a webpage editor, the website page is designed online or offline. Designing
the webpage online is by you opening your website with its website address, by
typing it in open site in FrontPage.
Go to the internet by connecting to the internet and then
to internet explorer. On the address bar of your internet explorer type in www.
the address .the prefix; or press Alt. D on your key board to move to the
address bar, type only the website address, then Ctrl Enter (which inserts
http://www. .com on either side of your address) to move into the internet.
World Wide Web (www) is the
internet data put in or viewed.
Figure 21.1 International network (Internet)
is the connection of systems all over the world that are linked to themselves
via connections.
website, this has
been developed to the way you want. The pages have been styled to your required
needs and interests, and the information inserted in the first page especially,
should be updated daily or weekly or monthly, to keep your website alive; a
website that is alive changes regularly so, people who come to the site see
differences as they go through the site daily, this brings them back. Those
were the changes that made the internet active in the first place.
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your site, the
webmaster updates your site via a webpage editor or transfer of data from your
webpage editor to the control panel�s html.
The first page is the page
that opens once the address of your website is typed.
the page: the page
you want to update is selected edited online and saved or offline and
published. The graphics and text are edited and the changes are made by
publishing to your web-address on the World Wide Web.
All changes in your company that you want your customers
and the public to know are the changes you put up on the home page (first
Type in FrontPage like you do in word the way you want and
underline the links you want a link to noting where you want the pages to be
linked to. The webmaster will then add links by converting those underlined
text to hyperlinks. These hyperlinks link the pages that are to open when
clicked. These edited pages will be put-up by the webmaster.�
File Transfer Protocol (ftp) is used to
upload large files, while emails are used to send small messages across the
internet. Large files can be uploaded via ftp from your system to your host
site and retrieved on the other side of the internet�s World Wide Web via ftp;
the address you send across is used to open the file.
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Type in ftp://ftp. your address .com or the prefix� you chose either .biz, .net etc. your control
panel�s instructions will let you know on how to use your ftp. Your Username and
Password will be asked for before you can log in to use the ftp Upload. This
ftp link can be placed on your site for easy use.
The ftp site opens as a folder with icons of files in the folder; or the uploaded files are placed like icons in a folder. Some hosts do not give you a capacity to upload so much through the control panel but, you can upload as much as possible from folder to folder.
Compare your proposal pages and the instruction
from the email.
You can change your site by having the webmaster redesign
the website or having the website architect develop a new template.
webmaster, redesigning
the site has to alter only the information within the page and not the shared
borders unless he knows what to do. The information on the main page is the
information you want the public to see/ view and understand/ know about you.
Advice, we advice that only a trained
professional in website designing (and redesigning) should touch the website�s
configuration or alter the site.
We guide or train, your webmaster or your intended
webmaster can be guided by us to prevent errors. There is a fee for redesigning
and rearranging.
Publish Changed
pages only. Create favorites to your email and webpage of interest. For the Control Panel, copy the html in code
view on your webpage editor and paste it in note pad, copy the text from not
pad and paste in on the file in the control panel�s html page that has no
shared borders.
To link a page, save the page as a favorite.
control panels do not allow html editing.
control panels allow editing in design view.
Open the website with your FrontPage website editor, with
Open Site in File menu. Type-in the website address and the page opens asking
you for the username and password.
Make the changes then save it to the host site. The changes will be on the internet.
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Tips on using your website:
2. Press both Alt D key on your keyboard to highlight your Address Bar a shown below:
The address bar is ready for you to type-in your address.
Ctrl Enter on the keyboard to insert the http://www. ... .com� as shown below:
6. For all your problems contact us at info@existence-ok.com or webmaster@existence-ok.com�
8. Click on the Highlighted hyperlink
showing��� the Hand with a pointed
finger to go through your website: |
pointed finger |
9. When you open a page on your
Browser, allow the Busy Icon to change to your usual arrow sign before
browsing. |
10. Go through your control panel�s guide
for more details. Welcome to the internet with dignity, those who use emails
that are free are feared to be 419 and are not trusted because they can loose
that email and address. But, those with their own email@ their website are
respected regarded and trusted.
11. For any web
problem send email to webmaster@existence-ok.com or call mobile: 234 (0)805 732 6941 or� phone: 234 (0)9 273 1713 or fax: 234 (0)9
Existence-ok� Indsutries�
Alteration 1
���� Alt D 2, 4
Control 1
Control Panel1,2,3,4
Configuration 1, 4
Ctrl Enter 2, 5
Database 1
Diagram 1
email 1, 3, 5
FrontPage 2, 3
First page 3
ftp 3
host 1, 3, 4
html 2
hyperlink 3
Internet Address 1
International Network2
Internet Explorer 2
Open Site 2
Publish 3, 4
Password 4
Personal Control 1
Reconfiguration 1
Shopping Cart 1
Search Engine 1
Service 1
Scramble 2
Username 4
Update 2
Website 1, 4, 5
Webmaster 1, 2, 3
Webpage Editor 2, 4
Website Address2,3,4